Shipping and Receiving Dept Signs

The truck-shipping and receiving sign indicates an area designated for the transportation of goods, indicating that pedestrians and other members of the public need to steer clear to avoid this potentially dangerous area. Area that are used for truck-shipping and receiving usually include the use of one or several forklifts and these vehicles can be dangerous if not heeded by somebody walking by. These areas may also contain fragile shelving that could collapse should someone climb on or bump into them - this is where the "don't climb on equipment" sign would be put to good use. Areas of truck-shipping and receiving often contain large vehicles and cranes that are both notoriously difficult to maneuver and observe surroundings from, which is why extreme caution needs to be taken by the public and/or employees.

SignsToYou provides high quality plastic (polystyrene), aluminum (0.040), decal and magnetic truck-shipping and receiving signs that will convey the bold and eye-catching message you need to maintain the highest degree of safety upon your premises. Make your truck-shipping and receiving area a place of maximum security by purchasing one or more of our signs and strategically placing them in visible locations around your property.