If you are in the transportation industry - whether you own a taxi, drive a limo, have a towing service, or perform other services - you stand to benefit more than just about any group out there with magnetic vehicle signs tailored to the transportation field. This is because car magnets go wherever you go and are designed to proclaim your services as you drive around - which is what you do best! Imagine having a large, visible sign on your cab as you drive through the city. Also imagine towing a car and having another customer call you because they saw a magnet on your tow truck and kept it for when they needed a tow. If you can imagine these scenarios, you can see the benefit of having custom car magnets on your vehicle.

Our car magnets can be designed however you like, with a multitude of templates at your disposal. Or, you can select your own style and colors and message and have us craft from scratch a magnetic sign for your transportation services. Use our magnets to advertise your company's name, logo, and contact information. No other method gives you a great return on investment for a low initial cost.