Gain an advantage over other sidewalk signs with this XL Deluxe Swinger Roadside sign. With its large sign face, wind propelled movement and easy to read lettering, your advertising will be clearly seen from a distance. This sign stands out and is sure to draw customers your way. Along with the size advantage, you also have an economic advantage in saving cash on purchasing graphics. You no longer need to buy a new sign each time, but simply and easily alter your own sign with the extra large changeable lettering set. Do not pass this sign up, your customers won’t.
- 1 - 36" x 48" White Sign Faces with 6 Lettering Tracks
- 1 - 5" Letter Set (421 Letters, Numbers and Symbols)
- 1 - 10" Jumbo Number Set (24 Numbers plus %)
- 2 - 10" Double Sided Header Panels "SALE/Special"
- Hardware Assembly Set
Please note this sign comes in white only.
SKU: D-36
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